Saturday, February 7, 2009

WoW Burnout??!!??

Im in Wailing Caverns right now fishing for Deviate fish. How exciting.


Im a level 80 warlock, with a few epics, but only 1 piece of T7.

Im way to time restricted to Raid, don't have access to the net during the week.

This locks me out of my guilds raid night.

So what to do, do I level an alt? I've tried on countless occasions. I have 3 level 40's i think begging to be played and pushed through to 80, but I can't find the motivation. So I sit, read websites, think about blog posts, and fish.


Im just not enjoying wow at the moment, surely im not the only person going through this.


Just posting some thoughts, Untill next time


Cheese – Talnivarr EU